Karatbars International Prerecorded Webinar
Karatbars Overview - The Company - The Product - Compensation Plan - Karatbars Leadership Team - Free Gold Account

Karatbars International Webinar - Earn Residual
Weekly Cash and Gold Without Spending

The Karatbars Webinar Reveals How Karatbars International Provides You
With a Weekly Residual Flow of Cash and Gold Without Spending

Let's look at another aspect of Karatbars International that sets it worlds apart from so many of the opportunity driven business models that exist today.

The incredible line of exclusive, high demand, category creator Karatbars products, provide peace of mind, stability, over the top value AND just as important...how YOU get paid for "selling them" without really "selling them."

Here's The Birds Eye View of the Karatbars International Compensation Structure and Products

Lets start by pointing out what's SO Different about the Karatbars International compensation structure...

  • Start earning $4,485.00 - $32,500.00 per week in 12 weeks

  • No pass up or "training" sales

  • No auto ships

  • No quotas

  • No mandatory purchases

  • No cost associated with product

  • YOU earn $$4,485.00 - $32,500.00 per week when you FOLLOW the plan!!

Now let's talk products...

The Karatbars Product Packages are custom tailored on 4 tiers (Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze) created and priced to meet ANYONE'S budget.

Due to the 4 tier pricing structure of the 4 product suites that Karatbars provides, no one is excluded from participating opening the door for anyone who's "serious" about having their own online business.

This means more flexibility, more sales and more money for you.

All of the Karatbars product packages, regardless of which you and your customers choose, provide you with the same personalized state of the art back office, market training, retail center and integrated shopping cart for marketing the Karatbars products individually which collectively make up each of the 4 Karatbars Product Packages.

Before looking at the Karatbars Product Packages individually, let's make an extremely important distinction...

Karatbars is NOT an opportunity driven company. It's a product driven company.

Becoming a Karatbars affiliate is 100% optional.

What that means exactly, is that with Karatbars International, you can become a Gold customer exclusively and not participate in the affiliate program. Each customer receives the ability to pay Karatbars forward, each receives links to refer Karatbars to others, but there is no obligation to do so.

customer and affiliate on you're not purchasing nor recommending some cheesy line of products no one wants or cares about.

Each of the YourNetBiz products is quite desirable, quite usable and in EXTREMELY High Demand.

Here's the big picture view of the 3 MAJOR and Highest Demand Categories the YourNetBiz Product Suites target...

    1)...Massive Informational and Software Library. (Includes more than 2800 individual products in the Platinum Suite covering 86 niche markets)

    2)...Physical products

    3)...Unmatched coaching & training products (Both Live and Recorded)

    4)...An untouchable "Full Service" EXCLUSIVE Private Vacation and Travel Club called Primo Vacations (Includes HUGE SAVINGS on Land, Sea, Air, Hotels, Car Rentals, Condos and Resorts GLOBALLY)

Since YourNetBiz is a product driven company, the kind and quality of products you offer are EXTREMELY important to your success as well as the long term growth of your business.

To experience the kind of success YourNetBiz has, delivering EXCEPTIONAL value in each of the products provided is essential.

YourNetBiz products deliver much more than exceptional value. FAR MORE in fact.

The YourNetBiz product line is yet another aspect of YourNetBiz that like the ingeniously created automated systems that drive it and keep it flowing smoothly, provide over the top value that enable you, your clients and your teammates to not only personally benefit from using the products personally but profit handsomely when they're purchased.

We'll be looking at 4 different ways that enable you to generate multiple sources of income with YourNetBiz as well as what makes the YourNetBiz products so unique...

  1. The YourNetBiz Products Suite

  2. Override Commissions From Your Personally Enrolled Team Members (Residual income)

  3. Your Own Customizable YourNetBiz Retail Center and Shopping Cart (market products individually)

  4. The Ability To Integrate Your Own Portfolio of Products and Services into Your YourNetBiz Site

The YourNetBiz products plus the ability to generate multiple sources of income through the already existing systems that have been created for you, is another aspect of YourNetBiz that can and will make a significant and powerful difference in your MEconomy.

Although there are MANY aspects that puts YourNetBiz light years ahead of other online home based business systems today...the incredible line of high value, in demand products YourNetBiz provides is an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT one.

The products YourNetBiz provides you and your customers with the most cutting edge and in demand product line available today.

Due to the expansive and ever growing library of YourNetBiz products made available, YourNetBiz also provides a state of the art, patent pending, keyword specific searchable database enabling you to locate specific products in the YourNetBiz library consisting of over 2800 products and services covering 88 niche specific markets.

And the YourNetBiz founders are adding more products ALL the time!!

The core product that YourNetBiz provides is divided into individual Product Suites ranging from Bronze to Platinum, making it possible (and unbelievably affordable) for ANYONE who's serious about having there own online home based business to do so.

Let's look at the individual product suites first...

The YourNetBiz Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze Product Suites Deliver INCREDIBLE Value!!

Let's start by looking at one of the many ways to begin generating a consistent flow of residual income with YourNetBiz.

The various YourNetBiz Product Suites.

There are 3 ways to do this...

  • Market the Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze YourNetBiz product suites to retail only customers specifically

  • Market the YourNetBiz product suites to those looking for an online home based business of their own.

  • Introduce and market the individual products that make up each of the YourNetBiz product suites to your target market and once they see the incredible value of the products individually, invite them to become a part of your team

Let's look at what you get in each of the 4 YourNetBiz product suites.

The YourNetBiz Platinum Product Suite

The YourNetBiz Platinum Product Suite (a $45,000.00 Value) is the Premier and most popular product suite containing more than 2800 individual products!!

The Platinum Product Suite contains every product that YourNetBiz offers.

The YourNetBiz Platinum product suite is without question the most comprehensive and complete collection of products available anywhere.

The Platinum Product Suite contains digital products, physical products, and even an exclusive Vacation and Travel Club that enables you, your customers and your team members to travel to destinations around the globe for pennies on the dollar.

Primo Vacations

Yes we work hard to provide value, but we also like to play hard. The YourNetBiz Vacation and Travel Club, rightfully called Primo Vacations enables you to enjoy TOP QUALITY resorts around the globe for MUCH LESS than traditional vacation clubs that charge thousands and thousands of dollars just for their vacation club packages alone.

But there's MUCH more to it than that even!!

YourNetBiz Platinum members automatically receive all the travel and vacation benefits Primo Vacations provides AND the ability to market Primo Vacations separately AND earn an additional $500.00 per sale!!

As a YourNetBiz Platinum associate you could say that Primo Vacations provides you with yet another business within a business PLUS enables you to enjoy huge savings on all your travel related expenses.

In fact, their are a number of companies that charge FAR more for their vacation club packages than YourNetBiz does for the ENTIRE YourNetBiz Platinum Product Suite which in and of itself, Primo Vacations provides a FAR GREATER VALUE than ANY vacation club out there. (And yes that includes the BIG BOYS.)

Talk about over the top VALUE!!

Ok...let's look at what gets so many excited...the money...more specifically how YOU make money and how marketing the various YourNetBiz Product Suites pays you.

Here's just one of the MANY ways you get paid with YourNetBiz...

For each YourNetBiz product suite that you sell, you get paid immediately, the amount of which is dependent on which product suite your customers purchase.

Each Platinum Product Suite you personally sell pays you $2,000.00.

Each Platinum Product Suite that one of your personally enrolled team members sells pays you an override of $500.00.

The YourNetBiz Platinum product suite, like all the other product suites that YourNetBiz provides pays you on your efforts as well as an override on the efforts of each of your personally enrolled team members.

Put simply, you get paid override commissions over and over again for efforts that you perform once.

Now That's Leverage!!

You receive a continual flow of passive income from your team members sales and the bigger your team becomes the more YOUR income grows.

I'll repeat this because it is so vital to creating monetary wealth..."You get paid over and over for efforts you perform once!!"

It's the same with each of the YourNetBiz product suites. You get paid for each sale you make personally as well as override commissions for each and every sale that each of your personally enrolled team members make

Let's take a look at those...

The YourNetBiz Gold Product Suite

The YourNetBiz Gold Product Suite (a $24,000.00 Value)

When a customer purchases one of the YourNetBiz Gold product suites you receive $1400.00 paid directly to you.

When one of your team members makes a Gold Suite product sale you receive a $300.00 override from each sale each of your personally enrolled team members make

The YourNetBiz Silver Product Suite

The YourNetBiz Silver Product Suite (a $14,000.00 Value)

When your customer purchases a YourNetBiz Silver product suite you receive $700.00 paid directly to you.

When one of your personally enrolled team members makes a Silver Suite product sale you receive a $150.00 override from each Silver sale that each of those team members make

The YourNetBiz Bronze Product Suite

The YourNetBiz Bronze Product Suite (an $8,000.00 Value)

When a customer purchases a YourNetBiz Bronze product suite you receive $300.00 paid directly to you.

When one of your team members makes a Bronze Suite product sale you receive a $100.00 override from each Bronze sale your personally enrolled team members make

What You Earn Personally and From Overrides From Personally Enrolled Team Members

From personal sales...

Here's a visual breakdown of how much you personally earn ($300.00 - $2,000.00) when someone purchases one of the YourNetBiz product suites from you directly

From personally enrolled teammates sales...

And here's a visual graphic of the amounts of override commissions you receive ($100.00 - $500.00) each time one of your personally enrolled team members sells one of the YourNetBiz product suites

Now let's be ultra conservative here. If you only marketed ONE Platinum Suite per month, would that change your financial picture?

What about 2 per month?

What about ONE per week?

You get the idea. Based on cost versus value the YourNetBiz product suites provide, in and of themselves owning one from "my perspective" is a no brainer.

Add to that the fact that you have the ability to earn the same commissions for yourself each time a product suite is purchased simply because you chose to take advantage of an already insane value and...well...you be the judge.

Obviously it's literally IMPOSSIBLE to show even a small portion of the YourNetBiz Products individually here. When you take the YourNetBiz guided video tour, it will fill in all the blanks.

If you still have additional questions after completing the full YourNetBiz tour, we'll address and answer each of those questions when you request a call back.

Here's a birds eye overview of the various kinds of products YourNetBiz provides...

  • Physical Products

  • Exclusive Primo Vacations Travel Club (Platinum Only)

  • Audio products

  • Video products

  • Marketing products

  • Digital Products

  • E-Books

  • Software

  • And MUCH More!!

The important thing to note is that with each YourNetBiz Product Suite...in addition to receiving and being able to utilize these products personally you also receive a resale license to MANY of these products YourNetBiz offers providing yet another way to generate a continuous flow of multiple sources of automated income.

In other words YOU own them and can if you choose repackage and rebrand a number of them, offer them to your client base and YOU KEEP 100% of the profit!!

The key phrase is Multiple Sources of Income

In fact...These resale rights provide you with the ability to not only begin generating Multiple Sources of Income immediately, YOU keep 100% of the profits for each individual product sale that you make!

Can it get better than that? Well...Yes it can...and it does...MUCH better in fact.

Here's how...

What's even better is that the YourNetBiz founders created and provide you with EVERYTHING required to begin marketing these products IMMEDIATELY including your own shopping cart. (more about that below in the Retail Center section)

The YourNetBiz products library is SO extensive, the YourNetBiz founders found it necessary to design and create a patent pending keyword driven search-able database.

You'll be provided the opportunity to get an in depth look and description of the YourNetBiz products at the YourNetBiz site.

Way too much to attempt to cover here. What I can say is that there is no other company providing such an extensive, value driven, high quality and in demand product line that covers 88 niche markets.

Your Own Personalized and Customizable YourNetBiz Retail Center and Fully Integrated Shopping Cart

In addition to the YourNetBiz product suites the YourNetBiz founders have created and integrated your very own customizable retail center jam packed with high value in demand products that you can retail individually.

You can take a peak at my Retail Center here.

The retail center is personalized for you, comes complete with a fully integrated shopping cart AND pays YOU 100% of the money that each of these individual products generate.

And it get's even better...

YourNetBiz also provides you with a number of predesigned and professionally built web pages personalized just for you. These pages were created by marketing professionals and explain the features, advantages and benefits of these individual products for you.

When someone chooses to purchase any of those individual products, 100% of the monies generated from the sale is deposited directly into YOUR bank account...ALL of it.

And as great as that is...it gets better.

You're not limited to marketing the YourNetBiz products. You can create and market your own through your customizable YourNetBiz site as well as integrate other products or services into your YourNetBiz system!!

Create and Market Your Own Products By Integrating Them Into Your YourNetBiz Website and/or Retail Center

The YourNetBiz founders also created a system that enable you to create, integrate and market your own portfolio of products directly through your personalized and customizable YourNetBiz site.

If you currently have products that you'd like to market or would like to create some of your own products at some point in the future, integrating them is as simple as a few clicks of your mouse.

If you have no desire to create your own products, but have some favorites that someone else has created you can establish an affiliate or joint venture relationship with that individual or company, integrate them into your YourNetBiz site and offer their products as well.

Regardless of what your individual financial goals might be, whether your desire is to simply supplement your current income or go over the top and become Rich "AND" Happy, the YourNetBiz Product Suites combined with the compensation structure and the countless other ways YourNetBiz provides to generate MULTIPLE SOURCES of income, you become enabled and empowered to go as far as you choose.

Let's move on...

OK...we have an overview of the direct marketing business model, the potential for YOU becoming Rich "AND" Happy, the systems, and the YourNetBiz products.

Next let's look at what others have to say about their personal experience with YourNetBiz...

Click Here To See What Others Are Saying About YourNetBiz


Click On The Start Your Tour Button Below and Take The Full YourNetBiz Guided Video Tour

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