8 Substantiated and Verifiable Facts About Pain, Pain Relief and What You Can Do

There's No Questioning The Facts About Pain, Pain Relief and How You Can Make A Meaningful, Significant and Profound Contribution in The Lives of Others and For Yourself

    FACT – An estimated 100,000,000 - 116,000,000 people in the U.S. alone suffer from chronic pain making it one of the most common reasons people visit the doctor many of whom are inadequately treated by our current health-care system, creating a “public health crisis” of pain. - Institute of Medicine (IOM)- June 2011.

    FACT - Prescription drugs like Oxycontin, Percocet, and Vicodin to name a few, while temporarily effective weapons against chronic pain, create addiction which only serves to compound an already serious problem. - US News and World Report - Sep 5, 2012

    FACT – The cost for traditional medicine and pharmaceutical drugs are enormous and growing

    FACT – There’s a tremendous need for safe, natural and affordable alternatives for alleviating pain.

    FACT – FG Xpress distributes globally, through its partners, an exclusive product known as "POWER STRIPS" which are a patented Fusion of Energy and Relief designed to activate the cells of the human body for both energy and relief of pain.

    FACT – Power Strips are 100% natural as well as safe and effective.

    FACT – The world needs what FG Xpress has to offer.

    FACT – You CAN provide a very much needed and profoundly meaningful contribution to the world while creating a wholesome and stress free lifestyle for yourself.

    The Question – Will you?

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