The "True" Origin Of Wealth

Are You Ready To Discover The Real Truth About Money And The Reason So Many "Unconsciously" Keep Money From Flowing To Them?


Equally, and perhaps for you even more importantly...

Would you like to discover how you might acquire more of it...MUCH more of it...effortlessly?

If you're like the mass majority the answer to that question is probably a resounding YES!!

I believe I can assist you with that. In fact I'm certain that I can if you're willing to bear with me as I walk you through the process of how to begin to attract, earn and acquire more money than you may have previously fathomed was possible for you.

Although as we go through the process it may "seem" a bit redundant initially, if you'll follow through and keep an open mind as you do, I believe you'll begin to understand and be provided the answer to amassing financial wealth in such a way that far too many overlook and as a result struggle so hard to achieve.

Although most place a great deal of emphasis on money and it's importance, the fact is that it's not money in and of itself that's important at all.

Don't misunderstand what I'm saying. It's not that money isn't important in the physical sense of the word, because it is...VERY important.

What's more important than the acquisition of money is developing the understanding as to where money comes from, how it's derived and how we think about the money we give and receive.

Developing this awareness with regard to money will enable you to begin consciously claiming all that is your birthright, if you'll internalize and apply what is soon to be revealed to you.

To begin developing a deeper understanding concerning the attainment of money, what money truly is and the real origin of money we’ll start at the physical level and work backwards.

Let’s begin by assuming that you have amassed a substantial amount of financial wealth…that you are a multi millionaire or even a billionaire if you prefer.

Where did these millions or billions come from? From a product or service that you successfully marketed? From an inheritance? Perhaps from the lottery.

Wherever it came from you would, if you’re like most, assume that the source from where this money came from was the cause of you becoming a multi-millionaire. In the case of a business, this money came from your customers. In the case of an inheritance this money came from a deceased loved one. In the case of the lottery this money came from the state or country who paid you the winnings.

Although partially true something happened prior to this event, condition or circumstance which brought you the millions.

What was that? Was it hard work? Was it due to someone's passing? Was it from the purchase of a lottery ticket? What form of "doingness" took place that was responsible for you acquiring this money?

Whatever this was, if you’re like most you would assume that it was this doingness…this work that you performed or some other external event or circumstance that served as the cause or source.

For the sake of simplifying the analogy, let’s assume that it was from a business and due to your hard work for the remainder of this analogy.

Based on that assumption, let’s see what's transpired so far…

  • We have millions

  • We received it from our hard work

That's where the majority stop. They believe that this money was received as a result of what they "perceive" to be the cause...which in this case is "hard work." Hard work requires excessive effort and although it does produce tangible results, these results often times require strenuous effort, struggle and only produce temporary results at best.

Now lets explore where this hard work was derived from...What initiated this work? What was it that we worked hard at?

In order to have something to work hard at there must be something that happened which enabled us to do so. What was it? The starting of a business? A partnership with someone? The effort required to go down and purchase a lottery ticket?

Regardless of what it was, it was some form of physical action...some physical "doingness" that produced it correct? Something “physical” was the cause.

OK, let’s see where we stand now…

  • We have millions

  • We received it from our hard work

  • We worked hard at a business that we began.

Now let’s look at where this business was derived from.

What was the cause of our discovering, creating and working hard at this business?

What event was it that enabled us to begin this business which we worked hard at which created our millions?

We took action correct? But what did we take action on?

What caused us to take this action?

Before we get into that let’s look at what’s happened so far…

  • We have millions

  • We received it from our work

  • We worked hard at a business

  • We took action

Good...we're making great progress. Action is essential in the making of money or any other physical outcome.

Let's move on...

What made us take this action?

What happened that provided us with the stimulation and willingness to take action and work hard at this business?

Was it for no reason?

The signal for the body to take action was sent to the body from the brain. The brain operates and sends signals to the various parts of the body through an electrochemical process which activates the individual parts which make up the body correct?

Ok so now we have...

  • We have millions

  • We received it from our work

  • We worked hard at a business

  • We took action

  • That action was initiated and produced as the result of an electrochemical process within our brain

Now…what was it that initiated this electrochemical process in our brain to take this action?

What is the brain?

Where did the brain come from for that matter?

What was it that initiated this electrochemical process in the brain to enable the body to take action?

It was our mind correct? More specifically the conscious mind. Many "perceive" that the brain and the mind are one in the same. They are not. The brain is the physical tool which the mind utilizes to carry out it's physical actions.

The mind which is the brains boss which is unseen or spiritual in nature fed the brain a thought, it processed this thought, sent signals to the body and we took action.

So now we've progressed to…

  • We have millions

  • We received these millions from our work

  • We worked hard at a business

  • We took action

  • That action was initiated and produced as the result of an electrochemical process within our brain

  • The command was given to the brain by the conscious mind

Ok now....what happened that enabled the mind to send the brain this command to take this action?

What was it that caused the mind to do that?

What is it that determined what command the mind would send the brain?

The mind did it because it believed that the brain could do what it was told and would produce the desired outcome or at least had the potential to do so, so it sent the command.

The mind sent the command to the brain because it analyzed some data and believed that the data stored within it was valid.

Ok now let's look at what's transpired...

  • We have millions

  • We received it from our work

  • We worked hard at a business

  • We took action

  • That physical action was initiated and produced as the result of an electrochemical process within our brain

  • The command was given to the brain by the conscious mind

  • The mind believed that the command sent to the brain would provide a desired outcome.

OK now where was it that this thing we had a belief in came from? What initiated this belief that provided the conscious mind with something to believe in?

Was it someone who approached you with some amazing business opportunity that they discovered?

Was it a need that you recognized that needed to be fulfilled in the marketplace? Something that would contribute value and improve peoples lives?

Whatever way it came or who it came from, it came as an idea in some form or another. Some inspired idea came to you or something was presented to you as the result of someone else's idea which you believed had potential and would provide you with this money and business, correct?

Now we have…

  • Millions of dollars

  • We received it from our work

  • We worked hard at a business that we began

  • We took action

  • That action was initiated and produced as the result of an electrochemical process within our brain

  • The command was given to the brain by the conscious mind

  • The mind believed that the action we were getting ready to take would provide a desired outcome.

  • That belief was determined as the result of the mind analyzing and processing an idea

Now let’s explore a bit more deeply to discern where this idea came from…

What made you have this idea?

What was it that you heard or saw that created this idea?

What was necessary for you to come up with this idea?

What made someone else have this idea?

You or someone else had to "think" of it correct? You couldn't possibly have come up with or been presented with an idea unless you or someone else had "thought" it, right? Ok, so this idea was derived from a thought.

Now…that brings us to...

  • We have millions of dollars

  • We received it from our work

  • We worked hard at a business that we began

  • We took action

  • That action was produced as the result of an electrochemical process within our brain

  • The command was given to the brain by the conscious mind

  • The mind believed that the command it was sending to the brain would provide a desired outcome.

  • That belief was derived as the result of an idea

  • That idea was the result of a thought

Next we’ll explore just a bit deeper to find where this conscious thought came from…

In order for the conscious mind to have this thought what happened?

What event took place that made the conscious mind think this thought that it believed in?

What was it that allowed this thought to evolve into an idea that the conscious mind believed in?

Where did this thought and belief exist prior to the conscious mind getting it and feeding it to the brain?

The conscious mind referred to the aspect of mind that stores all data previously fed to it by the conscious mind which is the subconscious mind.

Every experience…every previously established belief…everything ever learned or encountered in life is stored in the subconscious which the conscious mind refers to at some point to determine what commands are sent to the brain.

This is what the conscious mind uses as it's store house of memory to determine what is "true" or "untrue."

OK, now…

  • We have millions of dollars

  • We received it from our work

  • We worked hard at a business that we began

  • We took action

  • That action was initiated and produced as the result of an electrochemical process within our brain

  • That action in the brain was the result of an idea

  • That idea was the result of a thought

  • This processed thought came from the conscious mind

  • The conscious mind retrieved the memory from the subconscious mind analyzed and believed it was valid

Ok…we're making great progress but where did the data originally come from that the conscious mind used which was stored in the subconscious.

Where did the mind come from that enabled this thought?

What is the mind for that matter?

Prior to the belief being established the data provided which initially created the belief came from some where. Although it was based on a thought and an idea where did these thoughts and ideas exist prior to being filtered by the conscious mind which were stored in the subconscious mind?

They were stored in the subconscious mind due to previous experiences throughout life. They were derived from previous teachings and the experiences that resulted and were stored in the subconscious once the conscious mind placed meaning on them.

OK…let’s see where we are now…

  • We have millions of dollars

  • We received it from our work

  • We worked hard at a business that we began

  • We took action

  • That action was produced as the result of an electrochemical process within our brain

  • The thought that was provided or fed to the brain first passed through the mind

  • The command sent to he brain was the result of an idea

  • The idea was the result of a thought

  • This processed thought came from the conscious mind

  • The conscious mind retrieved the memory from the subconscious mind analyzed and believed it was valid

  • This determination was made due to what the conscious mind had stored in the subconscious based on previous determinations it made with regard to those teachings and experiences

So now we have...

It happened, according to modern day science at the metaphysical level...the level of energy.

Everything which exists, both seen and unseen is made up of this energy. Thoughts, physical objects, the metaphysical or unseen, EVERYTHING is made up of this energy.

But where does this energy come from. What makes this energy exist? What created this energy?

Before we get into that let’s see what’s transpired…

  • We have millions of dollars

  • We received it from our work

  • We worked hard at a business that we began

  • We took action

  • That action was produced as the result of an electrochemical process within our brain

  • The action was the result of an idea

  • The idea was the result of a thought

  • This processed thought came from the conscious mind

  • The conscious mind retrieved the memory from the subconscious mind analyzed and believed it was valid

  • This determination was made due to what the conscious mind had stored in the subconscious based on previous determinations it made with regard to those teachings and experiences

  • The mind created or drew the thought from energy

Ok simple enough. Now what initiated the thought in the mind which it gave to the brain. What is a thought made of? What is the mind? What allows the mind to function? Where was the mind derived from? How does the mind exist and why?

The mind conceived and constructed the thought from energy. Energy is everywhere in everything. Physical things that can be seen, touched, tasted, smelled and heard are energy. All things unseen are energy. Physical things when analyzed under powerful microscopes are made up of energy. Thoughts are energy, the mind is energy. EVERYTHING in its most basic and purest from is comprised of pure energy.

Now…where does energy come from. What makes this energy which enables us to have thoughts and ideas. Where do this energy which creates thoughts and ideas come from?

We’ll get to that next but first let’s see where we are now…

  • We have millions of dollars

  • We received it from our work

  • We worked at a business that we began

  • We took action

  • The idea was sent to and processed in our brain

  • The idea was the result of a thought

  • This processed thought came from the conscious mind

  • The conscious mind retrieved the memory from the subconscious mind analyzed and believed it was valid

  • This determination was made due to what the conscious mind had stored in the subconscious based on previous determinations it made with regard to those teachings and experiences

  • The mind created or drew the thought from energy

Ok…now what is this energy and where does it come from? What makes energy?

What allows this energy to exist?

What creates this energy?

The energy is made up of and exists because of subatomic particles. Subatomic particles are a construction of elements which are merely REALLY tiny particles which make up atoms.

Some common names of these subatomic particles are electrons, protons, neutrons, leptons, quarks, etc. Subatomic particles don’t make up energy…subatomic particles ARE energy.

So what is responsible for these subatomic particles?

Where do these subatomic particles come from.

What makes them exist?

We’ll cover that in a minute, but first let’s see where we stand now and what has been accomplished...

  • We have millions of dollars

  • We received it from our work

  • We performed this work at our business

  • We took action

  • The action was the result of an idea

  • The idea was sent to and processed in our brain

  • The idea was the result of a thought

  • This processed thought came from the conscious mind

  • The conscious mind retrieved the memory from the subconscious mind analyzed and believed it was valid

  • This determination was made due to what the conscious mind had stored in the subconscious based on previous determinations it made with regard to those teachings and experiences

  • The mind created or drew the thought from energy

  • Energy is comprised of subatomic particles

OK…stay with me…we’re almost there.

Where do these subatomic particles come from?

What is it that enables these subatomic particles to create thoughts and ideas?

What creates these particles?

Consciousness. Subatomic particles which are pure energy exist at the level of pure consciousness which are wave forms.

So what exists at this level of consciousness?

What is it that these wave forms consist of.

ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that can be conceived in the YOUR mind.

The conceptualizations of the mind which is conscious in nature…the analytical and reasoning aspect of mind which is the conscious mind, makes it's determinations and establishes it's beliefs based on the data stored in the subconscious aspect of mind which is the determining factor that allows anything in life to happen

Consciousness, as has been proven and explained by modern day science is a continuously vibrating mass of energy waves. Waves which when exposed to thought…YOUR thought…transmute from wave form into particles. When a thought is conceived in mind which is determined by and based only on the perceptions of the mind these wave forms transmute from waves to particles.

As explained by modern day scientists…

"Energy is an ever present and Infinite wave field where EVERY conceivable outcome which already exists as a probability of existence. All things at their core…in their purest and most basic form are merely a vibrating mass of waves or energy packets."

"What activates this field of energy packets and turns them into particles is “thought” which activates the The Law Of Attraction which attracts additional waves that are harmonious in frequency with the projected thought. Science's view of The Law Of Attraction is most simply explained and understood by saying that "thought" correlates with it’s object."

In laymans terms thought determines what is drawn from wave form transmuted into particles which gravitate to additional particles which harmonize with the initial thought held which join collectively to create mass which determines YOUR physical reality.

If science isn't a mode of understanding that you prefer…

Lets look at what the most enlightened and wisest spiritual teachers have taught for thousands of years... "

Whatsover ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive and it shall be given...OR...As a man thinketh so is he...OR..."If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believeth."...OR..."Whatsoever things are true,... honest, ... just, ... pure, ... of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, "think" on these things."

Lets look at another great spiritual teacher of a different culture...

"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world." - Buddha

Let's look at the process through simply observing nature...

Nature produces a harvest in exact proportion to and based on the kind and quality of the seed that is planted. The harvest produced produces additional seeds which create additional harvest the same in kind and quality as the seeds produced.

Your thoughts are the creative seeds which are producing your reality.

It is not woo woo esoteric nonsense…it is scientific fact. It is based on profound timeless teachings that can and will transform your entire physical existence IF you'll awaken, become aware and choose to consciously, purposefully and intentionally apply what you've discovered.

Thought serves as the seed for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING in your physical world. It is the creative seed that is responsible for and will produce your harvest. It is the simplicity of the continually unfolding process of creation clearly revealed.

To put this process to work to bring about “desired” outcomes, you only need become conscious of your consciousness. To consciously observe and begin asking yourself what are you creating with your current thoughts.

When you discover that these thoughts are disharmonious with your desired outcomes you have discovered an underlying belief stored in the subconscious which is keeping the desire from being made physical.

To do away with this train of thought, it's necessary to change the belief which is creating it.

You change the belief by becoming aware of a higher truth which is that you are the light of the world.

You overwrite the self sabotaging and self limiting beliefs by discovering who and what you truly are which is spirit inhabiting a physical body who has the ability to call forth the energy that will create whatever you can conceive and believe in mind.

You simply tap into the Field of Infinite potential where EVERYTHING already exists as a "probability of existence" which is also referred to in spiritual circles as The Kingdom Of God and experience whatever it is that you choose to experience.

Examine and become conscious of the thoughts that are creating your reality...Change your mind...and you WILL change your experience.

What seeds are you planting? What “beliefs” do you hold on to that are creating your thoughts which are creating your current reality?

What energy are you projecting that will without fail correlates with its object. What are you attracting?

Awaken…become aware…observe it…become conscious of it and you’ll understand completely what and why you are currently experiencing the events, conditions and circumstances in your life and will have the awareness as to how to change them.

So…what’s the next step? What is it that created these subatomic particles. What Source were these energy packets derived from?

From a scientific perspective that is yet to be determined and proven.

From the timeless teachings of the greatest and wisest spiritual teachers to have ever walked the earth, who haven’t missed yet…it is the Creator. It is the Source of your understanding whatever that might be for you. It is the I AM that I AM. It is EVERYTHING that is was or ever will be. It is Universal Consciousness. It is the Kingdom of God.

It was this Source that first thought and then spoke everything into existence. It was the big bang. Until it was conceived and thought of NOTHING existed except this Source...from God…from Universal Intelligence…from the Omnipresent…the Omnipresent…the Alpha…the Omega…the Beginning…the End…The I AM.

Everything that is, was, or ever will be is derived from pure consciousness...Universal Consciousness. The Ultimate Source from where it ALL began.

You being an individual in physical form, who like everything else which is physical your core spirit or pure energy. You have an individual consciousness and have been provided an incredible an inalienable right of free will to utilize it as you choose.

This individual aspect of your consciousness is interconnected with the Source of all consciousness where every conceivable outcome already exists You as well as every conceivable outcome are an integral part of the whole which is a necessary and crucial part which enables the whole to be whole. You, being a part of the whole ARE an integral part of the whole.

Based on spiritual teachings...

You were created in the image and likeness of God...The Source.

It could provide a whole new meaning to Christ's statement...

"At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you."

Or shine a light and provide additional clarity on Buddha's teaching...

"He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self, and looks on everything with an impartial eye."

The Whole...this Source...this vibrating mass of energy consists of EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that can be conceived in mind. Everything ALREADY exists. All that is missing is your willingness to conceive it and believe in it’s manifestation to make it a physical experience for you.

You have been provided the ability to call forth anything and everything that can be conceived in mind at the level of consciousness which is EVERYTHING.

The kingdom of God is within you. You have creative power to call forth and experience anything and everything in the kingdom limited only by YOUR choosing.

Abundance is your birthright.

Jesus Christ taught it. “I am come that ye might have life and have it in abundance.”

"Believe that ye receive and it shall be given.”

Buddha taught it. “All we are is the result of our thoughts. Through our thoughts we make our world.

Science has proven it. “All things already exist within the field as a probability of existence. The Law of Attraction is the law by which “thought” correlates with its object.

Nature clearly reveals it through simple observation of its abundant and infinite supply which continually expands and reproduces itself over and over again which sustains and continually expands the entire Universe.

ALL of it, regardless of which avenue of study you may prefer to utilize to discover it, this "Higher Truth", leads to the very same understanding, only expressed in different words.

All of Creation is the result of energy…of a seed…of belief…all of which are derived from consciousness which you are an integral part of as a result of your individual consciousness which you have the ability as well as the inalienable right of free will to utilize as you choose.

You can choose lack, limitation, discord and hardship or you can choose abundance, harmony, ease and plenty. ALL probabilities already exist.

You can remain in a career that you find displeasing and unfulfilling or you can utilize your creative power to draw to you what you are passionate about and begin "Doing" that which you love and are passionate about.

You have been given an incredible gift of free will. You can do WHATEVER you choose, the choice of which you will experience.

Just understand...

You choose at the level of consciousness...the kind and quality of your thinking which returns without fail and with unwavering certainty the kind and quality of your physical experience.

Your thoughts and beliefs turn waves of probability into particles of what the physical you "perceives" to be reality.

Your consistent line of thought is based on what you believe.

Whatsoever you receive.

Either way you look at's merely a choice.

The real beauty is that you get to choose. You only need to begin choosing consciously.

Internalize it…believe it…live it…breathe it…resonate it…develop a wealth consciousness and you will call forth and experience "Real Wealth" in EVERY aspect of your life, whatever that may mean for you.

Consciousness is the key to fulfillment and harmony in your life. Everything following are merely effects of the “True” Cause. Effects which continue and create additional effects into infinity.

Your doingness doesn’t create. Doingness is only creation evolved...drawn from and evolving from the “True Source” which is consciousness, the outcomes of which are "infinite" in nature.

Harmonize your doingness consciously, purposefully and intentionally with your “thoughtfulness” and you will experience a life limited only by what you can conceive and believe as possible for you.

It ALL begins at the level of consciousness. Consciousness is the creative force….the seed which determines the harvest in your physical world.

Everything following the foundation of creation is merely evolution unfolding.

Creation doesn’t and NEVER has happened at the physical level. Creation happens at the level of Cause…the "True Cause." Everything else are merely effects of the “true” Cause which create additional effects.

Become more aware...Become conscious of your consciousness. Consciously, intentionally and purposefully focus the creative power that you have been given on that which you desire to experience and "allow" the magnificent, incredible and never ending flow to take over. Simply "allow" nature to take its course.

Allow the Source to provide you with everything that has been made available to you which is ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that you can conceive and believe is possible for you.

Envision what you desire to experience…savor it…be grateful for it…Relax…Ride with the flow…stay open and alert for the physical evidence that will enable you to fulfill your desired outcome…take action…attract wealth...become wealthy…enjoy your life.

Change your mind…renew your mind…become "born again."

Quit attempting to swim against the current. Stop focusing your creative energy on what you fear. There is nothing to fear.

The Kingdom of God is within you. ALL things already exist as a probability of existence.

There is nothing that you must do except to "claim it." It's already yours.

Now...allow me to ask you again...

What is money?

Where does money come from?

If you've grasped the purpose of this message the answer will be...

"Well Chuck...Like everything money is just pure energy. The result of a quality of consciousness."

If that's how you would have answered those've got it. You understand it. Congratulations...your miles ahead of the mass majority.


...that's not enough. Sorry to say but understanding it isn't enough.

Now to make your newfound knowledge and understanding work for you...

You MUST apply what you've discovered.

Harmonize with the energy of money and money will flow to you. It's not limited to money. It works that way with EVERYTHING in your life in EVERY area of your life...physically...financially...relationally...emotionally,,,spiritually.

Stop chasing money...Stop chasing wealth...Stop chasing success... Stop chasing anything. It’s already yours. You’re already connected to it.

Just become conscious of how to call it to you. Harmonize with it…”believe” that it’s yours…think on it…be grateful for it…plant the seed which produces it and you will experience it in your life.

Stop “wanting it” and start having it…right now. You already do you know. You only need to become conscious of it...allow it to flow to you and you WILL experience it.

Above all, change your mind about your life and your life will change.

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."

It's ALL really very simple...once you make the conscious choice to temporarily set aside EVERYTHING you've been led to "believe" and discover if it is "Real Truth" for yourself.

Now…go forth and prosper and spread the good news to those who have a desire to hear…enjoy your life…express gratitude for EVERYTHING that you create…change your mind about the experiences that aren't desired…and be wealthy.

Here's The Condensed And Simplified Version...

Universal Consciousness --> Waves --> Individual Consciousness --> Particles --> Subconscious Mind --> Conscious Mind --> Thought --> Idea --> Belief --> Brain --> Action --> Work --> Resources --> Financial Wealth