What's The Value of SBI?

Solo Build It's Incredible Value Combined With Push Button Easy Website Builder and Unsurpassed University Quality Education That Gets Results

Here's What Solo Build It Should and Would Cost If Purchased Separately!

Let's suppose for just a moment that you were going to buy, from a number of different vendors around the Internet, all the tools, training and functionality that Solo Build It! includes. Let's add up the total yearly value (amounts in table below are in US Dollars, USD)...

Function (if bought separately)


Brainstorming and researching tools

SiteSell Supply (Unique tool assesses REAL competition) "Priceless"
Three unique "ultimate brainstormers" $120
Sophisticated decision-making software (makes niche-choosing foolproof) $60
Web/html/graphic designer (an inexpensive one) $1,000
Hosting of your site (state-of-the Net speed & reliability, no limits)

Automatic domain name annual renewal


Special Page and Image Managing Tools (better than FTP) "Priceless"
Unique Automated Site-Blogging $120
Submit ("ping") unlimited URLs to Search Engines automatically via XML
(Automated updating and pinging of Sitemaps XML to Google and all major engines)
Ranking Reports for your Keywords at all major Search Engines $240
Unique Keyword search reports for Search Engines $120

Ranking Reports for Directories

Unique Keyword search reports for Directories $120
Search Engine optimization $200
Unique 2-Level Image Search Report $120
Solo Build It! Xpress, Tips HQ and Resources HQ
(All Net marketing is research done and digested for you, no need to "keep up.")
4 Traffic HQs $120
Pay-per-click research and bidding programs $220
Click-in and Click-through Analysis $200
E-zine Subscription and Mailouts
(Build your own lists with E-Newsletter, including SpamCheck & OpenRate.)

Value Exchange


Form Build It! (with CAPTCHA graphic-challenge)
(Automated Forms & Sequential Autoresponders)

Link Fix It! (No more bad links, ever!)
(Automated scanning of all links, reports "bad links.")

Full E-mail/WebMail With Spam 'n Virus Blast It!


Monetize It! (A revolution in monetizing your site) $480
Socialize It! (automated Social Media Marketing, a must) "Priceless"
Private Solo Build It! Forums "Priceless"
Action Guide/Video Guide/"Guru-in-your-ear" help "Priceless"
BRAND NEW! Content 2.0 (turns Solo Build It! into Solo Build It! 2.0)

(Take the full power of Solo Build It! and put it to the power of Web 2.0)

Total Value (in USD), if bought separately

$5,095 +
Priceless x 6

Even if you were to research the Net and piece together all these features at a cost of $5,000+, you would still be missing unique, priceless Solo Build It! functionality. Here are just a few examples...