Testimonials Describing The Power Of The Foundation Guided Meditation System

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"For the last four years I have been practicing all kinds of meditations with different groups and using different tools, however nothing can compare with this. Having received the package last Thursday I started listening to the Foundation right away and finished by Saturday morning. The first Meditation and Dreamscape session was nice and was OK. However on Sunday morning, at the very beginning of the session, I had the most incredible experience. This wonderful man came and said he is bringing me the love of God. It was the most incredible feeling of love I have ever felt."

-- Rosa A. From the City of Angels (LA California)

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"I've been searching my whole life for the answers. I didn't know the questions, but I wanted the answers anyway. Three years ago I discovered meditation, and I believed it would lead me to what I was seeking. What it led to was disappointment. Then I decided to try the Higher Balance techniques, and experienced more in the first day than I had in three years of meditating on my own. Thank you from the bottom of my heart." -- Tim A. New Bedford, MA

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"Higher Balance taught me to awaken my psychic abilities and see them as extended senses to the five I already used. The sixth sense or psychic ability was a key to unlocking the threshold of God's doorway. But it was important to not see these abilities as being me, much like the physical body. They were used to help me understand how energy works and how to experience it." -- Jason T. La Crescenta, CA

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"This is my dream coming true. The knowledge Eric shares through Higher Balance is so life changing every passing hour reveals new insights. So much in my life has changed, internally and externally. I have had so many experiences it's truly amazing. All I did was put in the time." -- John R. Spokane, WA

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"I was able to see the air as liquid energy. Trees were shimmering with colorful illumination and I could feel more than I have ever felt in my life. We arrived at the park, and when I got out of the car my mind was overwhelmed with information, and I found it difficult to walk or synchronize my body with my brain." -- Daniel T. Plainfield, CT

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"Wow, after three sessions I began to feel myself beyond my physical body. At first it freaked me out a bit then I adjusted. It was very exciting - I never thought this was possible" -- Carl S. Honolulu, HI

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"When I received Eric’s ‘Foundation’, I took it with me on an 8 hour road trip. I was alone and listened to it over and over. That very night when I went to bed, I had my first out-of-body experience. It was incredible and life altering! I think Eric’s information is incredibly powerful, and helps you open the doors you’ve been trying so hard to find. Really good stuff!! I’m fortunate to have found the Higher Balance Institute and appreciate everything I’m learning." -- Jacque O. Humboldt, IL

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"I cannot tell you how helpful the guided meditation has been to me. I have fought for many years to keep my mind focused during my meditations without success. Thank you!" Melissa D. Salt Lake City, UT

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"Today is probably one of the single greatest days in my life. I have been using the Higher Balance system for about 6-9 months now. I had many ups and downs until now concerning the meditations just like every thing else in life, but for a solid straight period of about 2 months now I have meditated almost every day. I have dedicated alot of time and thought everyday on my journey, and today I can say with all my confidence, I have finally awaken. Earlier on this evening while sitting with good friends I have not seen in a long time, we were conversing over such things as the knowledge I have gained from applying the Higher Balance system(they were blown away) and then it happend. I cant fully explain but, I just felt good and still do now, there is no anger, negative thoughts, doubts, just a ringing of bliss everywhere. It is beyond me in words. I am now sitting here thinking how I can describe in words what's happening, but I cant. I'm just loving every single moment of it, that is in the simplest and easiest form I can translate my feelings, just loving it. Everything has changed in my mind. Everything just looks, sounds and feels better than ever before. I'd link to express my gratitude to Eric, and everyone at Higher Balance for making this information available. Thank you." Andrei R. Dresden, Germany

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"I want to thank you for what you’re doing in my life. Because of you and Higher Balance I have the knowledge and support to breakthrough any problem in my life. In the beginning when I first started I said that I was very happy with the material and the support. Today I'm even happier! It seems like the support is getting better and better. Sorry if this sounds too good to be true... but the truth is this is exactly how I feel. You give a lot and keep giving." -- Erik T. Newbury Park, CA

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"Upon first listen I knew this was the real deal. The first session was amazing! I began seeing different shapes and it looked like someone had a black light on it, there were waves of green and other colors moving across the floor as if their real color was trying to reveal itself. Then out of the corner of my eye a bright white light appeared, which only got stronger the more I focused and didn’t look, this passed but seemed to leave with a gust of wind which softly caressed my body." -- Nick R. Richmond, VA

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"Higher Balance teaches a different way to think, and it gives you profound breakthroughs. Because of this I was much more inspired. Being able to actually experience dimensional and spiritual things fueled my desire to find and experience God on greater levels." -- Jason T. La Crescenta, CA

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"More often than not, I'm in a state of bliss. The other thing I'm experiencing is sitting in my meditation chair, and immediately, motion. I'm moving around, or back and forth at various rates of speed, and yet, I'm perfectly still. This motion is very blissful." -- Michael B. Kansas City, MO

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"I have been meditating for eight years. Over the years I have observed a roller coast effect that I have applied to my meditations. Since I have used your meditation Coach it has kept me focused. I am now achieving what you described as the planes of light. In all my years meditating I have never achieved or experienced such a thing. It has inspired me to have higher expectations." -- Sean B. Norwalk, RI

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"I just wanted to let you know that I find the guided meditation incredible. I am a Life Coach and many of my clients seek meditation as a goal and I feel that this series is perfect for beginners and others. I have meditated for over 25 years and found myself achieving even greater depth. I am so excited about your work." -- Terry K. Denver, CO

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"I recognized with overwhelming gratitude just how Higher Balance is the structure within which I continue to grow more profoundly, more truthfully than I have ever experienced." -- Kellie L. Denver, CO

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"One current change I'm most grateful for is the fact that I have gained a new perception on the relationship I have with my mother. I had so much pain, resentment and anger towards her which affected our relationship as well as her relationship with my children. Not to mention how it deeply affected my whole being. This new perception has shown me many things and from it came acceptance, forgiveness and understanding." -- John R. Spokane, WA

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"I manifested health for my mother’s boyfriend and he was able to return to his job rather quickly. I also manifested a certain troublesome machine at work to run much better than ever before." -- Patrick H. Indianapolis, IN

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"The first time I heard Eric's voice, this moment was really special, and even now 7 months later I can still not explain what I feel when I hear his voice. It is almost like listening to an old memory. It all makes total sense." -- Baard W. Oslo, Norway

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"I feel really blessed because I'm part of something that I believe is going to make a big change. This is the first time something new has come along for spiritual development in a long time!" -- Ron G. Costa Mesa, CA

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"At first I was reluctant, thinking, can I really trust this stuff bouncing around in my head? It's been six months since then and I cannot wait for more material to come out!" -- Aaron M. Springfield, MA

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"I revisited the website the other day and it said “call and ask us why we’re the best.” I now remember that being the first thing I asked you, all smugly, “So, why are you guys the best?” Well, rest assured, you guys have my vote. You are the best!" -- Kris T. Brooklyn, NY

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"It sent a vibration through me like I have not felt in a very, very long time." -- Susan C. Curtice, OH

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I so wanted to call you last week...I was practicing seeing auras - per your tree suggestion - and at the moment I could do it...repetitively...I almost wrecked my Jeep. I was so excited. It felt like pure joy. -- Jeanette V. The Woodlands, TX

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"Since I have been using the Guided Meditation, I have experienced the following: Noticing things I hadn’t observed before; clearer thinking, problem resolution; better concentration while reading, playing music; feelings of calmness, euphoria (almost pass out) during [one technique]; better intuition, more “in-time” with others." -- Jorge R. Los Fresnos, TX

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"The meditation this morning created motion...motion seems to be the trigger at this point for some reason. I would focus on [a technique], and I would seem to move back and forth from this vantage point. I'm not trying to make this happen." -- Michael B. Kansas City, MO

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"I wake up with a huge buzzing in my chest. Little kids react to me quite differently, and adults too, react quite differently. I’m encouraged now." -- Jim C. Cut Bank, IL

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"I knew that something inside of me was changing, I was changing. The world took on a new form to me. Instead of it being dull and somewhat meaningless, it was now bright and vibrant with marvelous mysteries to unveil." -- Matthew R. HBI Support Staff [All of our staff use the program they talk about.]

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"This morning’s meditation was amazing. The purple/violet light sometimes alternates with gold. Sometimes it’s the purple or gold alone. It appears to be a circle that starts out small than expands. Other times I feel as if I am the center of a nut. (Ok that sound good...lol) But it’s like I am encased in something solid." -- Lori H. Plant City, FL

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"I try to visualize a world where everybody is using this system. I cannot imagine a better psychologist than this. This is something everyone should know about. If you were fascinated by Star Wars and Harry Potter you should try Higher Balance. This is where today's magic lies." -- Baard W. Oslo, Norway

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"I must certainly thank you and praise you for your accomplishment through the technology you use and your insightfulness and your personal power added to it. You are certainly giving out a valuable tool. As an example one day I felt lots of laughter coming out of me. I felt like I was 18 again in 1969. It's like a clear high and everything sounded funny. Sometimes any sort of environmental sounds seem musical, especially doing dishes. And at times my back feels more aligned like I've been going to a chiropractor again getting my vertebral subluxations adjusted. And colors on leaves, plants and flowers are brighter. I can smell flowers and greens, gardens as far as ten to twenty-five feet from my nose. Even air smells better. There are so many changes going on with me, my consciousness and my biology, I cannot tell you everything. But I got a feeling more powerful changes will happen, will prevail. Eric your stuff truly amazes me."

Much love and peace and thanks,Phylesha L. Wall Township, NJ

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"I was not prepared for what happened next. I could feel myself in the body of the stag. A firm and powerful sense of being moved over me. I experienced all four legs touching the earth, my neck felt like a true trunk turning to see me in the distance! My view or eyesight was odd feeling that it was nearly panoramic and made me feel a bit ill. I then was back in my own body." -- Daniel T. Plainfield, CT

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"Two ladies walked over the hill following the path. They were talking to themselves why not to each other? I found this to be very odd but was open to anything after the day I was having. I then noticed that their mouths were not moving, and I knew I was hearing there thoughts. Eric then said that we should go, and my connection dropped with their minds. I don't think I have to mention that I did a great deal of reflecting that week." -- Daniel T. Plainfield, CT

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"I feel like a tender [as in caretaker] of life. I feel so reverent and humble to be aware of this responsibility. It is about healing myself so I can help others to heal themselves. It has always been about that. My job is to point out the signposts of growth in the lives of others...to have them observe their own experience with awareness and curiosity...to have them see the universe in themselves and be in awe and wonder as I am right now." -- Kellie L. Denver, CO

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"I’ve been listening to the meditation CD and I love it! What I really love is the music that is played when you meditate [using the techniques]. Thanks so much for the work you have done. It’s finally great to be able to actually say that I am meditating! And I’m getting results!" -- Vanessa K. Mcloud, OK

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"The different support folks I've talked with now and then are so very helpful and a delight to talk with. I have to prevent myself from calling without a legitimate reason because it is a treat. Blessings on you for providing this." -- Maribel T. Rossville, GA

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"I always thought mediation was for relaxation, not exploration, if exploration can even define this!" -- Lionel N. Kansas City, MO

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"Last night my 20 minute meditation was incredible. The energy feels as if it is rocking me back and forth with the density of water, sometimes the thickness of syrup. The body feels as if it is being breathed by the energy. My breathing has stopped. This is a most unusual sensation. In other words, The body is in movement but not by the breath. My back feels pretty warm. On the inside, there is a pleasant stirring and movement from front to back and back around. The same goes for the head region, and by this time, the babbler is almost gone, but not because there is less chatter, but because somehow the volume has been turned down, or I'm paying less attention to it because of the incredible sensations. The euphoria is quite nice. I can hardly feel my body and feel as if I'm on the verge of some breakthrough." -- Michael B. Kansas City, MO

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"Following this through has been really enlightening, I look forward to the person I will become." -- Betty L. Eastman, GA

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