Here's Our Unconditional, No Quibble No Hassle Guarantee To You
Our guarantee to you is 100% satisfaction.
In the unlikely event that you find that the Awakening Dimensional Consciousness Guided Meditation System doesn't provide you with the profound and life changing experience that we claim that it does, just return it in it's entirety (in original condition) within 30 Days from the purchase date and you will receive 100% of the purchase price less shipping costs.
(See Return Instructions)
No Fine Print. No Hidden Restrictions. Just 100% GUARANTEED CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Or YOU Don't Pay For It. Period.
We are so confident that the Foundation Guided Meditation System will meet or exceed everything that we claim and provide you with astounding and life enhancing results that we are more than willing and able to offer you such an unheard of UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE.
If for ANY REASON you decide that the Awakening Dimensional Consciousness Guided Meditation System isn't for you, just return it within 30 days of the purchase date and you will receive a prompt, courteous and full refund. (less shipping costs)
On Behalf Of Enlightened Journey Enterprises and The Higher Balance Institute
"Welcome To The Higher Balance Family"
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